Coaching Services


Bringing energy and joy back to your business through community and partnership, facing challenges head on with integrity.

Whatever the business problem or obstacle you are facing we can help. Turning the complexities and chaos of any business into a seemingly simple and straight forward route to success.


We can save you time and money and get you operating more efficiently.

Whether you’re your business problem large or small, straightforward or complex we can help.

Let’s make it happen – Book your Free Discovery Session


A conversation where we listen to you

A conversation where we listen to you – the problems you’re facing and any concerns you might have, ensuring we understand the problem you are trying, and want, to address. The obstacles and challenges that are inhibiting your way forward and ultimately what you want to achieve as a result of fixing those problems.

Current situation assessment

Getting into the detail and to the root of the problem(s) – includes on site visit, meeting with any key staff relevant to the problem being solved and understanding your current metrics.

Road to success

Specific plan of action for each problem/target area with clear measurements of success.

Ongoing coaching and support

Keepings your new plans on track, providing ongoing back up and support until the problem is resolved, obstacles overcome, and success measures achieved.

Review and learning

Reviewing the results and the learnings from the changes made. Making sure truly achieved what together we set out to do and brought joy to our business.


Join our Mihaz Life community – a group of like-minded business owners who like making things happen not just for their businesses but also bringing joy to others.

Welcoming businesses of any size, structure or stage of evolution.

Find out more


Ongoing support for your business

Mihaz 101

Weekly drop in (online) sessions where someone always at hand to provide immediate advice and support for your business

Monthly Problem Solving

In person events where structured training and coaching available to resolve specific types of business problem – chosen by the group – in an uplifting location with time to socialise with like-minded individuals.

Adhoc Events

Other exciting events and activities building a business community that brings joy to all