Bringing joy back to business

Getting to the root of any problem and driving guaranteed growth for your business.

Contact us for an initial conversation on how we can help you.

Expert Problem Solving

Bringing joy to your business by solving those tricky problems

Turning the complexities of any business into a seemingly simple and straightforward route to success

I’m Zoe Freeman, Business Coach, Consultant and Founder of Mihaz.

Otherwise known as “Make It Happen Zoe!” Because that is exactly what I do.

Our Business Growth Programme

Together, we make it happen…

Our comprehensive Business Waterwheel™ provides a clear guaranteed business growth model, allowing our clients to truly ‘KNOW’ their strengths and weaknesses, sustainably ‘GROW’ their customer base and profits, improve the efficient ‘FLOW’ of their business, and ultimately achieve ‘OVERFLOW’; a state where the business generates an income, whether they work there or not.

Our programme has been described as a ’20-module Growth MBA for SME Owners’, which helps generate a steady flow of customers for their business and make it run almost by itself!


We will help you identify world class, optimised strategies, for your business to maximise growth.


Then we help you build the ideal marketing plan and sales function to get new customers and keep them long term.


Once you have as many customers as you can handle we help you to build reliable processes to serve them well.


Finally we’ll help you expand at an enterprise level and get things running perfectly even when you are not there.

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