Are you feeling like a “Weeble?

“Weebles wobble but don’t fall down!”

That maybe so, but it’s exhausting!

Surprises always happen and business owners have to be extraordinarily resilient. In any business emergency an “all hands to the deck” approach and great teamwork can get a business out of all sorts of trouble. This can be rewarding and exhilarating or simply provide a sense of relief that “phew we got over that one” – but if those emergencies become regular events, then energy and enthusiasm to keep upright, can at best wane.

Finding time to work “on” your business and ensure it is not only organised in the right way but has strategies and plans in place to weather future storms, is essential. This is crucial for building future success and a lifestyle that is more joyful and less exhausting, than consistently being a “Weeble”!