About Old

Bringing joy back to business

Turning chaos into order – we can solve any business problem
Bringing energy and enthusiasm to break down barriers, overcome obstacles and getting to the root of any problem.

We can save you time and money, getting you operating more efficiently, to bring joy back to your business.

With 25 years of turning projects and business problems around globally
Utilising the Pendleton Business Waterwheel TM a proven growth programme – with a guarantee that if we don’t grow your business by more than our fees you get your money back.

Mihaz – Making it Happen – bringing joy to your business.

Our Vision

For individuals to succeed and grow, sustainably by creating a diverse community, of businesses, groups and people, all sharing in knowledge and skill.

Our Mission

To bring joy back to business, by breaking down barriers & bringing people together, to dissolve business problems, coupling positive energy with strategic thinking, to create opportunity & sustainable growth.

About Me

I’m Zoe Freeman, Business Coach, Consultant and Founder of Mihaz.
Otherwise known as “Make It Happen Zoe!” Because that is exactly what I do.

I’ve spent my career helping businesses all over the world. Whether that be launching new propositions, restructuring business processes, turning around failing projects or sorting out company data to avoid regulatory fines. Whatever the challenge, they all have the same thing in common…I turn the discombobulating into structure, systems and sense!

I bring people together to drive positive change and sustained growth and have done so across a whole host of industries, from finance to construction.

Turning chaos into order and bringing joy back to a business, is something I love to do and am passionate about, so much so, I decided to to create a business doing just that.

When I’m not untangling a tricky business problem or being a Treasurer for a local not-for-profit organisation, I can be found out in the countryside or enjoying my membership at Goodwood Road Racing Club.